Flowmasonic Clamp On WUF-100CF

Flowmasonic WUF-100CF adalah flow meter jenis ultrasonic yang sistem instalasinya menggunakan clamp on. Installasi clamp on ini pipa tidak perlu dipotomg atau di lubangi tapi sensor atau transducer ultrasonic cukup di tempel di permukaan luar pipa dengan bantuan clamp bracket. Flowmasonic jenis clamp on punya keunggulan dalam hal installasi lebih cepat dan lebih murah biayanya.
flomasonic clamp on ini mempunyai output yang cukup memadai yaitu analog out put 4-20 mA, Pulse, relay dan comunication RS232. Untuk type tertentu flomasonic WUF-100CF juga bisa dilengkapi dengan extternal memory dengan menggunakan SD card dengan kapasitas sesuai dengan kapasitas SD card yang di gunakan.

Keunggulan dari Flowmasonic WUF-100CF adalah :
– Instalalsi yang cukup cepat dan mudah
– Saat instalalsi produksi tidak perlu berhenti
– Biaya installasi yang murah karena tidak perlu memotong pipa atau melubangi dan tidak ada proses welding
– Flowmasonic WUF-100CF bisa digunakan untuk segala macam jenis Pipa
– WUF-100CF calamp on ultrasonic flow meter bisa digunakan untuk segala jenis cairan
– Flomasonic WUF-100CF empunyai jenis sensor yang bisa digunakan untuk ukuran pipa dari 1/2″ hingga 100″
– Tersedia Transmitter yang water proof dan ex proof
– Tersedia juga untuk Transducer yang Water Proof hingga kedalaman air 10 m

Cara Instalasi Flowmeter Ultrasonic

Flow meter ultrasonic mempunya bebrapa jenis atau model baik didasaran pada cara installasi, Jenis Transducer ultrasonic, berdasarkan penggunaan jenis Power,  maupun berdasrkan mounting transmitternya. cara berdasarkan cara installai ada ada beberapa cara di sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan di lapangan.  Jenis atau model ultrasonic flow meter baik berdasarkan jenis transducer, jenis fungsi, jenis maounting dan cara installasinya secara umum dapat digolongkan sebagai berikut :
  • Hand Held Ultrasonic flow meter
  • Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter 
  • In line Ultrasonic flow meter 
  • Insertion atau plug in Ultrasonic Flow meter 
  • Clamp on Ultrasonic flow meter 
  • Splite Ultrasonic Flow meter
  • Compact Ultrasonic Flow Meter
  • Open Channel Ultrasonic flow meter 

Hand Held Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Hand Held Ultrasonic flow meter merupakan jenis flow meter yang bisa membuat ultrasonic flow meter menjadi terkenal karena, hanya Ultrasonic flow meter lah yang mempunyai jenis Hand held. Hend held ultrasonic flow meter ini mempunyai karekteristik seukuran genggaman tangan layaknya Hand phone dan bisa juga diaplikasikan transmitternya menggunakan android pada jenis dan merek tertentu.
Portable Ultrasonic flow meter
Portable ultrasonic flow meter mempunyai karakteristik yang tidak jauh beda dengan Hand held ultrasonic flow meter namun ukuranya lebih besar dan lebih berat sedikit

Clamp On Transducer Ultrasonic Flow meter
Clamp on Ultrasonic flow meter mempunyai keunggulan dalam hal installasi yang lebih cepat, biaya installasi yang lebih murah dan maintenance yang mudah, dan cenderung free maintenance. Dan pada kasus tertentu jenis flow meter clamp on ini bisa dipindah dengan mudah.

Insertion Transducer Ultrasonic Flow Meter

In Line Transducer Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Open Channel Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Flowmasonic WUF100 Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Flowmasonic is ultrasonic flow meter series WUF100 adopts a state-of-the-art, single-board technology featuring high precision, high reliability, high performance, low price, etc. that make it the ultrasonic flow meter of choice by many customers from all over the world. It’s main features are:
  • The sensors being clamp-on type, there’s no pressure loss. The sensors are easily mounted on the surface of the pipe without interrupting the flow for installation or maintenance.
  • Advanced intelligent display, computation and printing(data logger) to suit user’s diversified requirements. The flow is displayed in all pertinent engineering units. It runs out of regular AC power(110V/220V), built-in batter or DC power.
  • Using the most advanced direct-time-measuring method, the meter offers a signal resolution of 0.2ns. In addition, advanced data processing functions ensure Flowmasonic series WUFof high linearity.
  • Signal outputs including current signal, frequency signal, serial data, switch outputs(1 OCT and 1 relay output). All the outputs displayed on the unit can be transmitted to a PC via RS-232/485 for further processing or storage.

The Flowmasonic is ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the fluid velocity of liquid within a closed conduit. The transducers are a non-contacting, clamp-on type, which will provide benefits of non-fouling operation and easy installation. 

Working Principle of Transit-Time Technology
  • For the measurement, two
    ultrasonic pulses are sent
    through the medium, one in
    flow direction, and the other
    against it. The transducers are
    alternatively working as emitter
    and receiver. 
  • The transit time of the
    ultrasonic signal propagating in
    flow direction is shorter than
    the transit time of the signal
    propagating against flow
  • The transit-time
    difference Δt is measured and
    allows the determination of the
    average flow velocity on the
    propagation path of the
    ultrasonic signals. 
  • A profile
    correction is performed to
    obtain the average flow velocity
    on the cross-section of the
    pipe, which is proportional to
    the volume flow. 
The Flowmasonic WUF100 Series transit time clamp on flow meter utilizes two transducers that function as both ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. The transducers are clamped on the outside of a closed pipe at a specific distance from each other. 
The transducers of flow masonic flow meter can be mounted in V-method where the sound transverses the pipe twice, or W-method where the sound transverses the pipe four times, or in Z-method where the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe and the sound crosses the pipe once. 

This selection of the mounting method depends on pipe and liquid characteristics. The flowmasonic series WUF100 flow meter operates by alternately transmitting and receiving a frequency modulated burst of sound energy between the two transducers and measuring the transit time that it takes for sound to travel between the two transducers. The difference in the transit time measured is directly and exactly related to the velocity of the liquid in the pipe.

Non-Invasive, Clamp-on

Since ultrasounds propagate in solids, the transducers can be mounted onto the pipe. The measurement is therefore non-invasive, and no cutting of pipes is necessary for the installation of the transducers. Because with just 3 sets of transducers, pipes ranging from 15mm to 6000mm can be covered, the ownership cost doesn’t increase as the pipe size increases, which is the decisive cost saving factor as compared to traditional flow meters. 

Flowmasonic Series Ultrasonic Flow Meter
1. WUF 100J
Flowmasonic series WUF 100J is designed to measure the fluid velocity of liquid within a 
closed conduit. The transducers are a non-contacting, clamp-on type, which will provide benefits of non-fouling operation and easy installation.
The WUF100J transit time flow meter utilizes two transducers that function as both ultrasonic transmitters and receivers. The transducers are clamped on the outside of a closed pipe at a specific distance from each other.
The transducers of flowmasonic WUF 100J can be mounted in V-method where the sound 
transverses the pipe twice, or W-method where the sound transverses the pipe four times, or in Z-method where the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipeand the sound crosses the pipe once.   This selection of the mounting method depends on pipe and liquid characteristics.  
The WUF100J Hand Held Ultrasonic Flow Meter operates by alternately transmitting and receiving a frequency modulated burst of sound energy between the two transducers and measuring the transit time that it takes for sound to travel between the two transducers. The differencein the transit time measured is directly and exactly related to the velocity of the liquid in the pipe
The WUF100J hand held ultrasonic flow meter that a battery-powered ultrasonic flow meter with the capability of a full-size flow meter. It is carefully designed for portability and ease of use. 
The hand held flow meter is based on clamp-on transit-time flow measurement principle. It measures the flow rate of liquid in a pipe from outside of the pipe by using a pair of ultrasonic transducers. In general, the liquid should be full in the pipe, and should contain very little particles or bubbles.
Examples of applicable 
  • Water (hot water, chill water, city water, sea water, etc.); 
  • sewage; 
  • oil (crude oil, lubricating oil, diesel oil, fuel oil, etc.); 
  • chemicals (alcohol, acids, etc.); 
  • waste; 
  • Beverage and liquid food, solvents and other liquids. 

Features :

  • Due  to  the nature  of  clamp-on  technique,  the  transducer  installation is simple  and  no  special skills  or  tools  are  required. 
  • There is no pressure drop, no moving parts, no leaks and no contamination.
  • The built-in rechargeable Ni-H battery can work continuously for more than 10 hours without recharge. 
  • The WUF100J hand held flow meter has also a built-in data-logger, which allows storage of 2,000 lines of data. The stored information can be downloaded to a PC through its RS232 connection port.
2. WUF 100CF
3. WUF 100IR

Turbine Water Flow Meter TX Series

The TX100/200-Series are adjustable depth insertion turbines that come in brass or 316 stainless models to fit 3” to 40” pipe. Adapters mate with standard 1-1/2” (11x/21x) or 2” (15x/25x) FNPT threaded fittings such as saddles and weldolets which may be purchased either locally or from Seametrics. 

Ruby bearings and a non-drag pickoff give these adjustable insertion turbine flow sensors a wide flow range and long life. A sensor detects the passage of miniature magnets in the rotor blades. The resulting square-wave signal can be sent for hundreds of feet without a transmitter, over unshielded cable. This signal can be connected directly to many PLC’s and other controls without any additional electronics.


A modular system of electronics can be installed directly on the flow sensor or mounted remotely. The FT430 (externally powered with pulse), FT440 (loop powered), and FT450 (battery powered) all provide digital rate and total displays, as well as a programmable pulse; the FT440 also provides a 4-20 mA analog output. The AO55 is a blind analog (4-20 mA) transmitter. Programmable pulse for pump pacing is available with the PD10.


  • Wide flow range
  • One moving part 
  • Hot tap available 
  • Modular electronics compatible 
  • Easily depth adjustable for 3-40” pipe 


  • Clean water 
  • Large pipes 
  • Aquariums, water parks 
  • Water & waste water monitoring

The “hot-tap” models (TX15x/25x) can be installed or serviced without shutting down the line by means of a 2” full-port isolation valve that comes with a nipple for installation on the pipe fitting. In most circumstances, no special tool is required.

Magnetic Flow Meter iMAG series Seametrics

The iMAG 4700 magnetic flow meter is the most economical flange electromagnetic flowmeter on the market produced by seametric instrument . With electrodes designed to discourage fouling,  it is available in 4” to 12” pipe in municipal or industrial water, waste and reclaimed water, pump stations, and packaged plant applications.  (For 3” version, see iMAG 4600-300.) Minimal straight pipe requirements allow. 
iMAG magnetic flow meters to be used in piping configurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow.
Water flow meter iMAG 4700  are NSF-61 approved and are rated IP68 for applications where the meter may be operated under water to a depth of at least 10 feet (3 meters) continuously.

The display magmeter iMAG 4700 can be meter mounted or remote, and both rate and total indication are standard. Rate and total units and pulse scaling can be set via the front panel touch key pad by the user. Bidirectional flow is standard with forward, reverse and net flow. 

A power/output cable imag water flow meter allows outputs for use with a variety of Seametrics inc USA and other displays and controls for remote reading and telemetry applications. Pulse output is standard on all models and 4-20mA passive current loop is standard on the iMAG 4700p. In addition, 4-20mA loop, HART protocol, high speed digital, and Modbus® protocol outputs are optional on the externally powered units, depending on model.

  • Easy setup 
  • Minimal straight pipe 
  • Mounted or remote rate & total 
  • Tamper-evident seal 
  • NSF-61 approved
  • IP68 rated
iMAG Water Meter Accuracy
These magnetic flow Meter can be installed horizontally, vertically (with downward flow), or in any radial position. Using a check valve on the upstream side of the meter, and/or an air vent  (vacuum  relief  valve)  in the  same, unobstructed run of pipe as the meter, is required in any installation where the meter may be exposed to suction when the system is not in normal operation. Suction can cause damage to the liner. Liner damage caused by suction, without the use of a check valve and/or air vent, may void the warranty.
iMAG 4700 Dimension
iMAG water flow meter straight Pipe Recommendations.
The iMAG magnetic flow meter requires straight pipe before and after the meter for best accuracy. However, the ability of electromagnetic meters to average the flow across the entire pipe allows for shorter straight pipe recommendations than most mechanical meters

Pulse Output Configuration.
A pulse output is standard on all models. Since this is an isolated output, the external equipment must include a DC power source to regenerate the pulse from the open-collector output  (transistor equivalent of a contact closure). A pull-up or pull-down resistor may be needed if not included in the user equipment as shown in the diagrams.
Both the power source and resistor may be supplied internally in some types of control and monitoring magnetic flow meter devices. If not, as for most PLC discrete input modules, they must be added externally at the module input terminals. The pulse output rate in volume units/pulse can be set by the user via the SET P tab on the meter’s setup menus.
iMag Flow Rate Table
Battery Powered Units
The  iMAG  4700 flow meter  can  come  configured  with  two replaceable 3.6V lithium ‘D’ batteries. In this configuration, the only option/output is the scaled pulse output which comes standard. The scaled output for the battery powered option has a maximum pulse rate of 150 pulses/second, with a fixed pulse width of 2.5ms. Be sure to set your P value such that the meter will function properly over the flow range in your flow meter application. The sample rate of the meter is user selectable through the SAMP tab in the meter’s sub-menu. Sample periods of 1/5, 1/3, 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60 seconds can be selected. Larger sample periods will yield longer battery life but slower response time. Care must be taken to select a sample period that is suitable for your application. See the table below for the expected battery life as a function of sample period


Flow meter electromagnetic ini menggunakan sensor eleketroda yang di pasang pada sisi dalam dari tabung sensor sehingga flow meter magnetic cukup aman untuk di gunakan pada air yang kotor ataupun air limbah yang kental. Flow meter electromagnetic hanya bisa di gunakan pada cairan air yang mempunyai konduktifitas tertentu dan rata rata flow meter electromagnetic akan bagus kerjanya jika di gunakan untuk air yang mempunyai konduktifitas diatas 20 micro siemens.
Electromagnetic flow meter merupakan jenis flow meter yang paling banyak dipakai untuk jenis caian yang dasanya aalah air yang mempunyai cconductivity tertentu. Magnetic flow meter atau Flow meter electromagnetic merupakan jenis flow meter yang prinsip kerjanya menggunakan hukum faraday yaitu bila suatu fluida konduktif elektrik melewati pipa transduser, maka fluida akan bekerja sebagai konduktor yang bergerak memotong medan magnet yang dibangkitkan oleh kumparan magnetik dan transduser, sehingga timbul tegangan listrik induksi. 
Magnetic flow meter dari flowmag type wmag30 merupakan flow meter electromagnetic yang mempunyai sensor sangat peka terhadap kecepatan aliran air, karena mampu membaca aliran air yang sangan lambat yaitu 0.01 m/s. Dengan kemampuan sensor seperti itu maka flow meter flowmag wmag30 ini cukup bagus jika di aplikasikan pada low flow yang biasanya aliran air dalam pipa tidak menggunakan dorongan pipa tapi hanya mengandalkan perbedaan ketinggian atau gravitasi.
Flow mater flowmag model wmag30 mempunyai acurasi cukup baik yaitu 0.5% dengan size pipa dari DN10 hingga DN 1800 sedangkan untuk ukuran besar sebaiknya menggunakan yang tipe insertion. sedangkan coneksinya bisa menggunakan PN, ANSI dan JIS begitu juga class bisa hingga class ANSI900.
Untuk jenis material dari linner juga ada beberapa pilihan dan material untuk flange dan cover bisa carbon steel, stainless steel 304 maupun SUS316. Mengenai unit pengukuran juga bisa di stetting ke liters, meters cubic, gallons maupun lainya sesuai dengan menu yang tersedia. Dan yang cukup menarik flow meter flowmag type wmag30 ini mempunyai transmitter yang dilengkapi dengan diplay yang cukup lebar dengan 4 baris sehingga bisa langsung di tampilkan bacaan untuk flow rate, velocity dan totalicer serta status flow meternya.
Spesifikasi flowmag type wmag30

Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Portable ultrasonic flow meter is a type of flow meter that measures the velocity of a fluid with ultrasound to calculate volume flow. Using ultrasonic transducers, An Ultrasonic flow meter can measure the average velocity along the path of an emitted beam of ultrasound, by averaging the difference in measured transit time between the pulses of ultrasound propagating into and against the direction of the flow. 

Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter SL1168P succeeds at delivering expanded functionality and field portability. The SL1168P portable flow meter  is ideal for precisely measuring a wide range of liquid flows and temperatures. The SiteLab SL1168P Portable Digital transit time ultrasonic flow meter provides a measuring system with excellent accuracy, versatility, ease of use, and dependability.

Features and Benefits
  • High accuracy measurement. Accuracy +/-1.0% of reading; Repeatability +/- 0.3% of full scale;

    Linearity +/-1.0% of reading.

  • Flowrange 0 to 12 m/s.
  • Non-intrusive, clamp-on installation. Easy and fast. No moving parts.Maintenance free. Light weight, Handheld design.
  • Suitable for all commonly used pipe materials and liquids Suitable for pipes from 25- 1200mm
  • 11 VDC rechargeable lithium-ion battery for continuous operation for up to16 hours
  • Wide measurement temperature range 0-80 Degrees C.
  • Built-in data logger and flow totalizers.
  • Self-explanatory user interface. Easy to operate.
  • 2 Gb SD memory card for high capacity
  • Data logging (512 files max; interval 5 to 60 seconds)
  • NEMA 13 (IP 54) transmitter with tactile
  • Entry keys and 64 x 128 alphanumeric backlit LCD.
  • Ambient conditions 0-60 Degrees C Up to 99% relative humidity (noncondensing).
  • Encapsulated transducers; IP 68 with 16 ft (5m) standard cable.
  • Lightweight 2.2lb (1.0kg) and easily transportable.
  • Low installation effort and costs. 
  • Clamp-on sensors require no pipe cutting or process interruption and no plant shutdown  Magnetic sensor clamping fixture with slip scale gauge. Chain straps included for nonmagnetic pipe.
  • Hygienic measurement, no risk of contamination, suitable for ultra clean Liquids
  • Supplied in convenient carrying case holding all components including transducers ,transducer leads, two magnetic transducer carriers, carrier chains, acoustic couplet grease, instructions manuals

This universal transit-time meter features a push button interface, ergonomic hand held design and a large digital display that significantly simplifies set-up and data collection. Although designed primarily for cleaner liquids,  the SL1168P portable flow meter can reliably measure liquids containing moderate amounts of suspended solids. Its high-powered ultrasonic pulse with improved digital signal processing requires just one set of transducers for a wide range of pipe sizes and materials including metal, plastic and concrete

The Model SL1168P Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission. While principally designed for clean liquid applications, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with the small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environments.

The SL1168P Hand Held Portable Flow meter provides a powerful and extremely user-friendly programming menu that includes instantaneous flow rate, positive total, negative  total, net total, velocity, date & time, and daily flow results. Its 1GB  SD memory card promise high capacity data logging and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery supports continuous operation for a minimum of 16 hours.

A fully field-portable, lightweight, yet rugged and totally self contained flow measurement package, the SiteLab SL1168P comes standard with a sturdy and convenient pelican carrying case, non-invasive clamp-on transducers installed into compact mounting racks (magnetic & cable mount), coupling compound and a start-up CD. And it’s easy to use. It sets up in five minutes or less.

SiteLab SL1168P portable flow meter packs big features into a small, lightweight package. SL1168P Portable flow meter easy  to go-anywhere  with a rechargeable internal battery pack and universal power supply charger that is so easy to use that you can make your first flow measurement within just 10 minutes of opening the box. 


  • Water, sewage (with  low particle content) and seawater 
  • Water supply and drainage water  
  • Power plants (nuclear power plant, thermal and hydro power plants), heat energy, boiler feed water and energy management system 
  • Metallurgy and mining applications (cooling water and acid recovery,  for example) 
  • Petroleum and chemicals 
  • Food, beverageand pharmaceutical 
  • Marine operation and maintenance 
  • Energy economy supervision and water conservation management 

  • Pulp and paper (clean liquid applications) 
  • Pipeline leak detection 
  • Regular inspection, tracking and collection 
  • Energy  measuringand balance 
  • Network  monitoring systems and energy/flow  computer management
  • Hand Held Ultrasonic Portable Flow meter Sl1168P can measures flow from outside plastic, metal or concrete-lined pipes non intrusive, so there’s no pressure drop, leaks or contamination. 

The SL1168P ultrasonic transducers strap-on the outside of pipes from 1″ to 48″ (DN25 to DN mm) diameter. The ultrasonic signal works through common pipe materials including carbon steel, stainless steel, ductile iron, cast iron, PVC, PVDF, fiberglass, copper, brass, aluminum and pipes with bonded liners including epoxy, rubber and Teflon. Transducers can be mounted without shutting down flow and there is no obstruction or pressure drop. It measures and totallizers forward and reverse flow.

Electromagnetic Flowmeter TDS100W

Description :
In line Ultrasonic Water Meter
     Type : TDS 100 W
    Material : Carbon steel
    Display : 96 segments LCD
    Operating power : 3.6 V lithium battery ( 5 years)
    Operations : two keypad
    Protection level : IP68
    Brand : Dalian, China

Ultrasonic Flow meter china

Ultrasonic Flow meter model TDS-100 from china manufacture was established in 1996. Our firm is a high technology company which specializes in design, manufacture and development.  TDS-100 series of ultrasonic flow meters / calorie meters / water meters are widely used in the oil, chemical, metallurgy, water conservancy, heating, and boiler industries. TDS-100 Ultrasonic flow meter are exported to the United States, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. We have achieved a sales volume of over fifteen thousand sets per year.

The new instruments are invented based on the 7 version, 11 version ultrasonic flow meters and the 9 version ultrasonic water meter, it integrates many years’professional technology of manufacturing and experiences, adopts TI’ low  consumption single device MSP430FG4618 invented up to date the high function, low price, good reliability, power  function, new series products. enhanced greatly in the aspects of measurement accuracy, measurement stability, communication protocol, easy to use etc. than previous versions. at the same time, it achieved no adjustment of ic parameter during production, easy and reliable production line, good conformity of the products, guarantee each instrument reach the best function before leaving factory.

It continues to use the friendly user menu of the 7 version ultrasonic flow meter for software operating, only few menu function is changed or added,make old customers feel free to grasp in order to meet the users custom, we invented another 4 keys parallel port keyboard on the basis of 16 keys applied for economical style, in-line style ultrasonic  flow meter, two key boards can be exchanged to use. 

TDS-100 has 3 types of transducer installation method :

  •  Clamp On type transducer flow meters Installation 
    • Before installation, choose density pipe to install  transducers, and clean the installation area, clear away rust, paint, anti-rust layer, it is the best to use angle grinder to polish, use cleaning cloth with alcohol or acetone to clear oil and dust, coat enough couplant around the center of installation area, attach the transducers on the pipe and fix it without air bubbles or sand between transducers and pipe wall. Clamp on type transducer has  3 sizes Small , Medium size and large size.
  • Insertion type transducer flow meters installation 
    • Transducers   can be installed   directly on pipes of   carbon steel or stainless steel by welding; while for those pipes of materials like cast iron, glass fiber reinforced plastic, PVC and cement which cannot be welded   directly, special straps should be used for installation. For those users who are in similar situation, please inform us of the precise outside diameter of the pipe to be installed to prevent leakage
  • In-line type transducer flow meter installation 
    • In-line type transducer of new TDS-100 ultrasonic flow meters is characterized by easy installation and high-accuracy measurement. When ordering, customers need to provide the actual parameters of the pipe. The parameters of the transducer have been put into the flow meter before leaving factory and there is no need to input them when installing. 

Type of TDS-100 Ultrasonic Flow Meter :

flow meter wiratama

TDS-100H Hand Held Ultrasonic Flow Meters
Hand Held Flow Meter Portable Flow Meter The TDS-100H ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the fluid velocity of liquid within a closed conduit. The transducers are a non-contacting,...read more…..


TDS-100Y Compact Ultrasonic Flow Meters
TDS-100Y ultrasonic flowmeter/heat meter:it make the mainboard of TDS12 or TDS18 connect to a 20 lines 4 keys parallel port keyboard monitor, then encapsulate them in a sealed enclosure, realize...read more…..

flow meter wiratama

TDS-100P Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meters
Portable ultrasonic flow meter TDS-100P portable ultrasonic flow-meter is gaining more and more recognition on the international flow meter market Future : – High quality , reasonable and...read more…..

flow meter wiratama

TDS-100F Remote ( Wall Mount ) Ultrasonic Flow Meters
TDS-100F series ultrasonic flow meters are applicable to measure liquid flow in industry application mainframe include wall-mounted standards type, wall mounted ex-proofs type, panels type and native...read more…..

TDS-100M Economic Ultrasonic Flow Meters
TDS-100M ultrasonic flow meter /heat meter:it make the mainboard of TDS12 or TDS18 connect to a 20 lines 4 keys parallel port keyboard monitor, then encapsulate them in a sealed enclosure, realize…read more…..

TDS-100W Battery Power Ultrasonic Flow Meters
TDS-100W battery powered style ultrasonic flow meters or water meter /calorimeter achieved to display online on spot,TDS16 main board is encapsulated in the sealed body(the size is the same as in-line...read more…..

Seametrics Flow Measurement

Seametrics Inc. is a designer and manufacturer of a wide variety of flow metering products. Since 1990 the company has provided innovative solutions to users in industrial water treatment, energy management, irrigation, utilities, transportation, and chemical handling. Seametrics products have a reputation for durability and accuracy at a competitive price, and are sold largely through a network of domestic and international distributors.
Seametrics Flow Meter

Seametrics flow measurements is committed to providing a broad range of flow metering products for the Industrial/Municipal and Irrigation industries in addition to a variety of OEM applications. We maintain an attitude of responsiveness to the many flow metering needs encompassed within these industries and are vigilant in our efforts at developing new flow meter products and enhancing our existing products to better serve our customers.
Since 1990, Seametrics flow measurement has been providing high-value flow meters and controls. The guiding principles have been common sense, simplicity, economy and durability. We started with mechanical insertion meters that extended the bottom of the flow range and were easy to repair. Over the years our flow meter product family has expanded to include electronic turbine flow meters, inexpensive and highly accurate mechanical low-flow meters, and a variety of flow meter controls and displays. In recent years Seametrics flow meters has become a leading manufacturer of electromagnetic meters (mag meters) in a variety of designs suitable to a wide range of applications. These include insertion, spool, and low-flow chemical-resistant mag meters.
PE Series
TX-800 Series
TX-100 Series
WTC Series
WTP Series
WTS Series
WJ Series
IP-80 Series
IP-100 Series
SES Series
SPT Series
