Flow Meter water iMAG 4700 Premium

The iMAG 4700 flow meter magnetic is the most economical flange electromagnetic flowmeter on the market produced by seametric instrument . With electrodes designed to discourage fouling,  it is available in 4” to 12” pipe in municipal or industrial water, waste and reclaimed water, pump stations, and packaged plant applications.  (For 3” version, see iMAG 4600-300.) Minimal straight pipe requirements allow. 
Flow meter magnetic iMAG to be used in piping configurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow.
Electromagnetic flowmeter iMAG 4700  are NSF-61 approved and are rated IP68 for applications where the meter may be operated under water to a depth of at least 10 feet (3 meters) continuously.

The display magmeter iMAG 4700 can be meter mounted or remote, and both rate and total indication are standard. Rate and total units and pulse scaling can be set via the front panel touch key pad by the user. Bidirectional flow is standard with forward, reverse and net flow. 

A power/output cable imag water flow meter allows outputs for use with a variety of Seametrics inc USA and other displays and controls for remote reading and telemetry applications. Pulse output is standard on all models and 4-20mA passive current loop is standard on the iMAG 4700p. In addition, 4-20mA loop, HART protocol, high speed digital, and Modbus® protocol outputs are optional on the externally powered units, depending on model.

  • Easy setup 
  • Minimal straight pipe 
  • Mounted or remote rate & total 
  • Tamper-evident seal 
  • NSF-61 approved
  • IP68 rated

Specification iMAG Water Flow Meter

iMAG Water Meter Accuracy
These magnetic flow Meter can be installed horizontally, vertically (with downward flow), or in any radial position. Using a check valve on the upstream side of the meter, and/or an air vent  (vacuum  relief  valve)  in the  same, unobstructed run of pipe as the meter, is required in any installation where the meter may be exposed to suction when the system is not in normal operation. Suction can cause damage to the liner. Liner damage caused by suction, without the use of a check valve and/or air vent, may void the warranty.
iMAG 4700 Dimension
iMAG water flow meter straight Pipe Recommendations.
The iMAG magnetic flow meter requires straight pipe before and after the meter for best accuracy. However, the ability of electromagnetic meters to average the flow across the entire pipe allows for shorter straight pipe recommendations than most mechanical meters 
Pulse Output Configuration.
A pulse output is standard on all models. Since this is an isolated output, the external equipment must include a DC power source to regenerate the pulse from the open-collector output  (transistor equivalent of a contact closure). A pull-up or pull-down resistor may be needed if not included in the user equipment as shown in the diagrams.
Both the power source and resistor may be supplied internally in some types of control and monitoring magnetic flow meter devices. If not, as for most PLC discrete input modules, they must be added externally at the module input terminals. The pulse output rate in volume units/pulse can be set by the user via the SET P tab on the meter’s setup menus.
iMag Flow Rate Table

Battery Powered Units
The  iMAG  4700 flow meter  can  come  configured  with  two replaceable 3.6V lithium ‘D’ batteries. In this configuration, the only option/output is the scaled pulse output which comes standard. The scaled output for the battery powered option has a maximum pulse rate of 150 pulses/second, with a fixed pulse width of 2.5ms. Be sure to set your P value such that the meter will function properly over the flow range in your flow meter application. The sample rate of the meter is user selectable through the SAMP tab in the meter’s sub-menu. Sample periods of 1/5, 1/3, 1, 3, 5, 15, 30, and 60 seconds can be selected. Larger sample periods will yield longer battery life but slower response time. Care must be taken to select a sample period that is suitable for your application. See the table below for the expected battery life as a function of sample period

Electromagnetic Flowmeter WMX Series

The WMX-Series are fanged electromagnetic fow meters for use in 4” to 10” pipe in municipal or industrial water and waste water applications where propeller meters have typically been used in the past. Because the WMX has no moving parts and has electrodes designed to discourage fouling, this magmeter performs well and requires much less frequent maintenance in applications where debris would impede propeller meters. 

There is no rotor to stop turning or bearings to wear out. Minimal straight pipe requirements allow WMX-Series meters to be used in piping confgurations where there is little space between the meter and an elbow.In chemical injection applications, the meter should be placed upstream of the injection line or far enough downstream for thorough mixing to occur before the meter.Rate and total indication are standard on both models. 

Units are customer-selected and factory-set. No set-up is required.The WMX101 is externally powered with 7-26 Vdc at 30 mA max (see NOTE in Specifcations). Two Lithium 3.6V “AA” batteries provide auxiliary power during power failures, allowing the meter to continue recording fow rate and total without interruption for the duration of the outage. Where external power loss is infrequent, battery life should exceed 10 years.

The 20-foot power cable also provides pulse output for use with a variety of Seametrics and other displays and controls for remote reading, data logging, pulse-to-analog conversion, and telemetry applications. High frequency pulse rate (required for use with 4-20 mA converters) is standard; additional pulse rates are optional.

The WMX104 is a battery-operated unit for use when pulse output is not required. The Lithium 3.6V “D” batteries are replaceable with an approximate 1-year life under continuous use, or more depending on the duty cycle. An optional input/output cable can be installed post-factory if needed for changing applications.


  • Simple and economical as a mechanical meter
  • No moving parts
  • Built-in pulse output
  • Minimal straight pipe required
  • Continuous battery or external power
  • Data logger compatible
  • Telemetry-ready


  • Municipal water/waste water
  • Industrial water/waste water
  • Cooling tower water treatment
  • Well usage reporting

Water Flow Meter

Water flow meter atau liquid flow meter atau Flow meter air ada beberapa type yang bisa digunakan disesuaikan dengan jenis fluid yang mengalir dan fungsi flow meter air sendiri. Yang dimaksud dengan flow meter air atau water flow meter atau water meter adalah jenis liquid yang mana basenya adalah water.
Pada dunia industri manufacture, oil and gas, pertambangan, perhotelan, rumah sakit dan lainnya water flow meter atau flow meter air atau liquid flow meter ini dapat dikelompokan pada jenis liquid air dan prosesnya :
– Flow meter limbah
– Chemical flow meter
– Flow meter air bersih
– Flow meter air murni ( demin water )
– Raw water Flow Meter
Ada beberapa jenis flow meter yang aplikasinya cocok digunakan pada jenis fluid diatas dimana tetap mengacu pada cara kerja flow meter dan juga pada aplikasi yang diinginkan oleh para pemakai flow meter. Untuk Flow meter yang sering digunakan adalah : 
– Flow meter electromagnetic / Mag Flow Meter

– Turbine Flow meter
– Ultrasonic flow meter
– Woltman Flow Meter
–  Padle Flow meter

Untuk jenis Fluid yang basenya water yang mengandung kotoran baik itu kotoran limbah maupun karena raw waternya seperti air dari sungai karena adanya kotoran sampah atau pasir, mungkin jenis flow meter yang cocok adalah Jenis Flow meter yang tidak mempunyai komponen yang bergerak dalam sensornya atau bisa juga untuk jenis flow meter yang tidak mempunyai contact langsung dengan liquid. Dimana untuk kedua jenis flow meter ini karena sifat dan cara kerja flow meter membuat karakteristik sensornya akan lebih awet dan akurasinya lebih terjamin karena tidak terpengaruh adanya kotoran-kotoran dalam fluid. Namun demikian karena sifat dan karakteristik kerja flow meter ini menuntut adanya kesempurnaan aliran, seperti tidak boleh adanya rongga-rongga udara karena akan dibaca sebagai aliran palsu ,yang menyebabkan sensor tidak mampu membaca dengan baik, kecuali jenis dopler ultrasonic yang harganya sangat mahal. dan untuk electromagnetic flow meter cukup banyak disukai karena akurasinya cukup memadai dan harganya juga tidak mahal walaupun ada kelemahan disebabkan jika aliran fluida terjadi turbulen. Namun demikian untuk mengatasi turbulen pada jenis electromagnetic bisa juga aplikasinya dengan menggunakan air drain ( pembuangan udara ) yang bisa dipasang setelah electromagnetic flow meter.

Sedangkan untuk fluida dengan base water namun mempunyai PH atau tingkap keasaman atau kebasan terlalu ekstrim, selain digunakan ultrasonic ( non contac ) bisa juga digunakan electromagnetic dengan bahan non metal (  Plastic atau PVC) atau jika fluid tersebut bersih bisa juga digunakan jenis flow meter turbine dengan bahan dari PVC atau mungkin bisa digunakan matrial stainless steel 316L. Dengan karakteristic elecromagnetic flow meter yang tidak mempunyai bagian/part yang bergerak dalam tabung flow meter, type electromagnetic flow meter ini cocok sekali jika dipakai untuk fluida / cairan yang tidak bersih / kotor, baik itu karena adanya kotoran berupa serat, getah, pasir ataupun rumput dan kotoran lainnya sepanjang cairan tersebut mengandung conductivity yang di persyaratkan.

Pada dasarnya hampir semua jenis flow meter dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi flow meter yang menggunakan dasar air. Namun demikian pemilihan jenis flow meter tetap di pertimbangkan agar kita bisa mendapatkan jenis flow meter yang sesuai dengan aplikasi yang kita perlukan dengan pertimbangan kecocokan akurasi dan biaya yang di keluarkan baik biaya maintenance maupun harga flow meter nya itu sendiri. Jenis flow meter atau type flow meter yang sering digunakan dalam dunia industri untuk flow meter dengan liquid air adalah :
– Turbine flow meter
– Magnetic Flow meer
– Ultrasonic Flow meter
– Vortex Flow meter
– DP Flow Flow meter
– Woltman type water meter 

chemical flow meter, Flow meter, flow sensor, liquid flow meter, magnetic flow meter, paddle flow meter, Turbine Flow Meter, water flow meter

Flow Meter

    • Jenis Flow Meter 
      1. Ultrasonic Flow Meter
      2. Portable Flow Meter
      3. Electromagnetic Flow Meter
      4. Turbine Flow Meter
      5. Vortex Flow meter
      6. Tube Flow Meter
      7. Gauge Flow Meter 
      8. Oval Flowmeter

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