Flow meter air Lumpur

Mengapa dinamakan Flow meter Lumpur...???
Flow meter Lumpur tidak lain adalah flow meter yang mempunyai performa tersendiri dikarenakan karakteristik cairan ini mempunyai kandungan solid lumayan banyak hingga 35%. Dimana karakteristik dari cairan tersebut bisa homogen ( ter campur dengan baik antara solid dengan liquid) ataupu tidak begitu homogen ( solid tidak bisa larut dlam liquid).
Sifat dari cairan ini harus cukup di pahami dengan baik, hingga ketika kita menentukan jenis dari flow meter yang akan digunakan untuk mengukur debit cairan mempunyai kecocokan sehingga mampu menedteksi aliran cairan lumpur tersebut dan flow meter tersebut memiliki performa yang baik dan tahan lama dan biaya operasional serta maintenancenya tidak terlalu mahal
Untuk Cairan Lumpur mempunyai tinkat kepekatan tersendiri begitu jug sifat dari bahan2 kimia yg digunakan sebagai hasil proses terhadap lumpur yang sangat korosif baik itu karena asam ataupun basa. Dalam mementukan jenis Flow meter untuk lumpur tentunya perlu di perhatikan aspek aspek sebagai berikut :
  • Pastikan Jenis Flow meter  tidak mempunyai bagian yang kontak dengan cair bergerak ataupun berputar.
  • Untuk Lumpur yang Abrasiv hendaknya dipilihkan jenis komponen yang kontak terhadap cairan lumpur tidak mudah aus
  • Flow meter untuk lumpur yang sangat korosif harus di pilihkan material yang tahan terhadap asam maupun basa kuat. Karena itu kita perlu menegtahui karakteristik cairan lumpur agar pemilihan bahan material flow meter bisa tahan terhadap akibat sifat dari kandungan kimia pada cairan lumpur.
  • Cairan lumpur biasanya dihasilkan dari suatu proses yang menyebakan cairan banyak mengandung padatan yang tercampur pada air dengan komposisi yang berbeda-beda.
  • Pemilihan jenis flow meter lumpur ini jika dilakukan tidak cermat akan menyebabkan umur dari flow meter lumpur menjadi pendek dan mungkin akan berakibat flow meter tidak mampu mendeteksi dan membaca flow dari aliran lumpur tersebut.
Untuk jenis cairan lumpur yang memiliki konduktivitas memadai, sebaiknya menggunakan flow meter jenis electromagnetic yang mana kita harus menyesuaikan jenis material seperti electroda, linnear serta material flange dan cover, disesuaiakan dengan karakteristik air lumpur yang akan dibaca oleh flow meter. Banyak dari kita menganggap untuk air lumpur cukup di pilihkan jenis flowmeter electromagnetic tanpa mempertimbangkan jenis material yang di pakai sehingga umur dari flow meter electromagnetic tersebut sangat pendek dan cepat rusak.

Flowmeter untuk aliran Gravitasi

Jenis flow meter yang mampu membaca atau mendeteksi aliran yang sangat lambat seperti ini biasanya mengacu pada jenis flow meter Ultrasonic, electromagnetic ataupun coriolismass
flow meter. Ketiga jenis flow meter ini mempunyai berbagai kelebihan
dan kekurangan masing masing dimana seperti kita ketahui tidak ada jenis
flow meter yang dapat di aplikasikan pada semua jenis cairan dan pade
jenis kondisi lapangan. Karena itu dibutuhakan kejelian kita dalam
menentukan jenis flow meter disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan di
pasangnya flow meter tersebut. 
Aliran air dalam suatu sitem tertutup biasanya menggunakan tekanan yang ekstrem dihasilkan oleh pompa guna mengirim cairan dari satu tempat ke tempat ke tempat lain, namun dibanyak keperluan aliran air yang mengalir di karenakan adanya perbedaan ketinggian yang mengandalkan gaya gravitasi dimana cairan hanya dapat mengalir dari tempat tinggi ke tempat yang lebih rendah 
Karena adanya kebutuhan untuk proses dimana memang tidak dibutuhkan biaya yang lebih mahal karena pemakain energy. Untuk kebutuhan proses atau yang lainnya dimana besarnya aliran dari suatu cairan harus di data maka kita bisa menggunakan alat ukur besarnya aliran atau flow meter yang mampu mendeteksi aliran dengan perbedaan tekanan yang rendah. Dikarenakan aliran yang sangat lambat maka dibutuhkan alat ukur atau flow meter dengan jenis low velocity flow meter.
Untuk katagory aliran lambat atau low velocity ini tidak bisa menggunakan flow sensor yang membutuhkan adanya perbedaan tekanan yang tinggi karena itu kita harus menggunakan jenis flow meter tertentu yang mampu mendeteksi aliran cairan dalam suatu sistem tertutup baik pada pipa maupun selang pada velocity dibawah 0.1 m/s.
Dibanyak klaim para manufacture ultrasonic flow meter sering mengatakan bahwa ultrasonic flow meter yang mereka produksi mamapu membaca aliran cairan yang sangat lambat sekali hingga minimal aliran pada velocity 0.01 m/s. Artinya pada velocity tersebut jika kita menglirkan cairan pada pipa 1/4″ aliran akan terdeteksi walaupun besaran flow rate sangat kecil sekali setara dengan tetesan ( cairan yang menetespun bisa di deteksi flow ratenya). Sehingga flow sensor ini bisa digunakan untuk mendeteksi kebocorang sistem walaupun bocornya hanya sebatas rembesan. Namun saat ini banyak manufacture yang mengklem bahwa flow meter electromagnetic yang mereka produksi mampu mendeteksi kecepatan aliran hingga pada batas minimum 0.03 /s

Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter

Portable ultrasonic flow meter is a type of flow meter that measures the velocity of a fluid with ultrasound to calculate volume flow. Using ultrasonic transducers, An Ultrasonic flow meter can measure the average velocity along the path of an emitted beam of ultrasound, by averaging the difference in measured transit time between the pulses of ultrasound propagating into and against the direction of the flow. 

Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter SL1168P succeeds at delivering expanded functionality and field portability. The SL1168P portable flow meter  is ideal for precisely measuring a wide range of liquid flows and temperatures. The SiteLab SL1168P Portable Digital transit time ultrasonic flow meter provides a measuring system with excellent accuracy, versatility, ease of use, and dependability.

Features and Benefits
  • High accuracy measurement. Accuracy +/-1.0% of reading; Repeatability +/- 0.3% of full scale;

    Linearity +/-1.0% of reading.

  • Flowrange 0 to 12 m/s.
  • Non-intrusive, clamp-on installation. Easy and fast. No moving parts.Maintenance free. Light weight, Handheld design.
  • Suitable for all commonly used pipe materials and liquids Suitable for pipes from 25- 1200mm
  • 11 VDC rechargeable lithium-ion battery for continuous operation for up to16 hours
  • Wide measurement temperature range 0-80 Degrees C.
  • Built-in data logger and flow totalizers.
  • Self-explanatory user interface. Easy to operate.
  • 2 Gb SD memory card for high capacity
  • Data logging (512 files max; interval 5 to 60 seconds)
  • NEMA 13 (IP 54) transmitter with tactile
  • Entry keys and 64 x 128 alphanumeric backlit LCD.
  • Ambient conditions 0-60 Degrees C Up to 99% relative humidity (noncondensing).
  • Encapsulated transducers; IP 68 with 16 ft (5m) standard cable.
  • Lightweight 2.2lb (1.0kg) and easily transportable.
  • Low installation effort and costs. 
  • Clamp-on sensors require no pipe cutting or process interruption and no plant shutdown  Magnetic sensor clamping fixture with slip scale gauge. Chain straps included for nonmagnetic pipe.
  • Hygienic measurement, no risk of contamination, suitable for ultra clean Liquids
  • Supplied in convenient carrying case holding all components including transducers ,transducer leads, two magnetic transducer carriers, carrier chains, acoustic couplet grease, instructions manuals

This universal transit-time meter features a push button interface, ergonomic hand held design and a large digital display that significantly simplifies set-up and data collection. Although designed primarily for cleaner liquids,  the SL1168P portable flow meter can reliably measure liquids containing moderate amounts of suspended solids. Its high-powered ultrasonic pulse with improved digital signal processing requires just one set of transducers for a wide range of pipe sizes and materials including metal, plastic and concrete

The Model SL1168P Portable Ultrasonic Flow meter is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low-voltage broadband pulse transmission. While principally designed for clean liquid applications, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with the small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environments.

The SL1168P Hand Held Portable Flow meter provides a powerful and extremely user-friendly programming menu that includes instantaneous flow rate, positive total, negative  total, net total, velocity, date & time, and daily flow results. Its 1GB  SD memory card promise high capacity data logging and a rechargeable lithium-ion battery supports continuous operation for a minimum of 16 hours.

A fully field-portable, lightweight, yet rugged and totally self contained flow measurement package, the SiteLab SL1168P comes standard with a sturdy and convenient pelican carrying case, non-invasive clamp-on transducers installed into compact mounting racks (magnetic & cable mount), coupling compound and a start-up CD. And it’s easy to use. It sets up in five minutes or less.

SiteLab SL1168P portable flow meter packs big features into a small, lightweight package. SL1168P Portable flow meter easy  to go-anywhere  with a rechargeable internal battery pack and universal power supply charger that is so easy to use that you can make your first flow measurement within just 10 minutes of opening the box. 


  • Water, sewage (with  low particle content) and seawater 
  • Water supply and drainage water  
  • Power plants (nuclear power plant, thermal and hydro power plants), heat energy, boiler feed water and energy management system 
  • Metallurgy and mining applications (cooling water and acid recovery,  for example) 
  • Petroleum and chemicals 
  • Food, beverageand pharmaceutical 
  • Marine operation and maintenance 
  • Energy economy supervision and water conservation management 

  • Pulp and paper (clean liquid applications) 
  • Pipeline leak detection 
  • Regular inspection, tracking and collection 
  • Energy  measuringand balance 
  • Network  monitoring systems and energy/flow  computer management
  • Hand Held Ultrasonic Portable Flow meter Sl1168P can measures flow from outside plastic, metal or concrete-lined pipes non intrusive, so there’s no pressure drop, leaks or contamination. 

The SL1168P ultrasonic transducers strap-on the outside of pipes from 1″ to 48″ (DN25 to DN mm) diameter. The ultrasonic signal works through common pipe materials including carbon steel, stainless steel, ductile iron, cast iron, PVC, PVDF, fiberglass, copper, brass, aluminum and pipes with bonded liners including epoxy, rubber and Teflon. Transducers can be mounted without shutting down flow and there is no obstruction or pressure drop. It measures and totallizers forward and reverse flow.

Fire Pump Test Meter Instructions

Gerand pump test meter manufactured by Gerand Engineering Co. was required to supply Factory Mutual all drawings and
independent laboratory test reports on all venturis in order to apply for Factory
Mutual approval.

The Factory Mutual Approval was issued to Gerand Engineering Co. after the
units were tested and met the Approval Standard – Class No. 1046 for Fire Pump
Flowmeter Systems. Stated in this standard under II Description, Para. 4.2 Accuracy
is that the system must meet an accuracy of ±2%, full scale deflection for
the range of flows from 50% to 200% of the rated capacity of the pump for which
it is used.

Factory Mutual annually conducts a stringent audit and inspection of all designs
and parts used in the Fire Pump Test Meters. This inspection includes the
reviewal of all quality control information we maintain on each part as well as a
physical measurement of all dimensions of parts and random testing of the

Attached to the meter with a brass chain is an oblong metal tag with the suggested piping diagram of the
system on one side, and the following operating instructions on the reverse side:

  1. Close system OSY valve “A”
  2. Open by-pass valve and “B” butterfly throttle valve
  3. Purge meter, located on venturi, as follows:
    • Open station shut-off valves on venturi, and vent valves attached to meter. When a steady stream of water without air bubbles passes through the clear plastic hoses, the meter is purged of air.
    • Close the vent valves after purging.
  4. Start the fire pump, and read meter in GPM.
  5. Refer to pump GPM requirement and adjust throttle valve to meet the requirement.
  6. After the test, open valve “A” and close the by-pass and “B” valves.

Cara Installasi Ultrasonic Clamp On Flow Meter

Ultrasonic Flow meter merupakan flow meter yang mempunyai dasar kerja pada suara ultra, dimana sensor suara ini bekerja pada sensor yang disebut dengan istilah transducer. Ada dua jenis flow meter ultrasonic yang cukup dikenal luas yaitu system transit time dan sistim doppler..

Dalam hal installasi ultrasonic flow meter ini ada beberapa cara installasi yaitu system inline dimana pipa harus dipotong dan sensor ultrasonic di pasang dengan menghubungkan pipa yang telah dipotong baik dengan flange maupun ulir. Untuk system pemasangan ini perlu diperhatikan jenis flange atau ulirya dimana disesuaikan dengan standrt dari masing masing pengguna di lapangan. Begitu juga mengenai besaran presssure  juga harus disesuiakan dengan pressure pompa yang mengalirkan cairan.

Sedangkan jenis kedua yaitu Insertion dimana Sensor ultrasonic flow meter atau transducer dipasang pada pipa yang telah dilubangi dengan mengelas fitting transducer pada permukaan pipa. Pada Proses ini diperlukan kehati2an dan ketepatan agar posisi pengelasan tidak bergeser dan sudut transducer benar-benar tepat sesuai yang disyaratkan. Pada pengecekan sudut trnasducer saat setelai pengelasan fitting perlu di ukur lagi agar saat memasukan parameter ke transmitter ultrasonic flow meter tidak terjadi penyimpangan.

Sedangkan jenis ketiga adalah installasi dengan sistem clamp on, dimana transducer yang merupakan sensor ultrasonic di tempelkan di permukaan pipa dimana pipa tidak perlu di potong atau di lubangi ( non destructive) dengan cara di ikat atau di clamp sehingga transducer menempel dengan baik di permukaan pipa.

Sebelum memasang sensor ada beberapa parameter an harus di masukans eperti dimeter pipa, ketebalan pipa, jenis material pipa, jenis cairan dan jarak sensor. Namun yang perlu diperhatikan pertama sebelum menentukan parmeter tersebut adalah lokasi atau posisi pemasnagan transducer ultrasonic flow meter pada pipa. Dimana lokasi ini harus memenuhi syarat syarat upstream dan down stream agar kekuatan signal dari ultrasonic flow meter dapat memenuhi standart perhitungan flow cairan.

Kesalahan Penentuan lokasi pemasangan transuder akat berakibat fatal pada kekuatan signal yang berakibat akurasi pembacaan akan besar penyimpangannya bahkan bisa menuju ke error.

Setelah semua parmeter dimasukan dengan benar pada transmitter ultrasonic flow meter maka perlu dilakukan pengecekan kekuatan signal apabila signal yang didapatkan cukup bagus maka kita bsia mengunci semua parameter agar idak berubah khususnya saat listrik mati.

Untuk ultrasonic flow meter ini biasanya dapat langsng ditampilkan pada pembacaan velocity, flow rate dan totalizer. Sedangkan units parameter bisa disetting baik menggunakan satuan metric maupun english dengan satuan unit liter, m3. gallon, barrel dan sebaigainya begitu juga untuk waktu bisa di tetting ke second, minute, haour ataupun day tergantug pada kebutuhan di lapangan.

Ultrasonic Flow Meter jWAVE

Portable Ulrasonic Flow Meter
Ultrasonic Flow Meter jWAVE
Now you can capture accurate and reliable flow readings with your mobile device, with less hassle and in less time—wherever you need a flow or volume measurement.

No wires. No bulky electronics box to lug around. Your ultrasonic sensor hardware installs on the outside of your pipe in a snap—and senses through the pipe wall. Your mobile device displays readings and helps you set up the hardware.

And Bluetooth replaces the wires.
So you’ll get your job done more quickly, every time. What’s the jWAVE?
The jWAVE Flow Meter solution starts with the jWAVE App (downloadable from the app stores) and works on both iOS and Android devices.

The companion jWAVE Sensor is a compact, clamp-on ultrasonic transducer device that wirelessly transmits flow measurements. With a programmable controller, the output signal can be fed direct, with no other conditioning required.

The jWAVE is highly portable. Just bring the rechargeable clamp-on sensor in its lightweight, weatherproof case, along with a tablet or smartphone (iOS or Android). Bluetooth connectivity replaces wires, and the jWAVE App guides you through your application setup.

The convenient Cam Cleat lets you mount the sensor on any pipe in seconds—no cumbersome clamps required. Bi-directional readings are transmitted to your mobile device for display, and your location’s settings are stored in the jWAVE App, ready for reuse.

Now simply release the cleats, then take the compact sensor on to your next location.

Paddle Wheel Flow Meter

The IP100/200-Series are adjustable depth insertion paddle wheels that come in brass, PVC, or 316 stainless models to fit 3” to 40” pipe. Adapters mate with standard 1-1/2” (11x/21x) or 2” (15x/25x), or PVC (11x/21x) NPT threaded fi ttings such as saddles and weldolets which may be purchased either locally or from Seametrics.

Ruby bearings and a non-drag Hall-effect sensor give these meters the widest fl ow  range of any of the paddle wheel types. A sensor detects the passge of miniature magnets in the six rotor blades. The resulting square-wave signal can be sent for hundreds of feet over unshielded cable without a transmitter and connected directly to many PLC’s and other controls without any additional electronics.

A modular system of electronics can be installed directly on the flow sensor or mounted remotely. The FT430 (externally powered with pulse), FT440 (loop powered), and FT450 (battery powered) all provide digital rate and total displays, as well as a programmable pulse; the FT440 also provides a 4-20 mA analog output. The AO55 is a blind analog (4-20 mA) transmitter. Programmable pulse for pump pacing is available with the PD10.

The “hot-tap” models (IP15x/25x) can be installed or serviced without shutting down the line by means of a 2” full-port isolation valve that comes with a nipple for installation on the pipe fitting.In most circumstances, no special tool is required.

Electromagnetic Flowmeter EX800 Series

Description :
– Low-flow performance and accuracy superior to any mechanical flow sensor
–  No moving parts to wear out
– Dedicated fittings for simplicity
– Retainer clip automatically sets correct depth
– Meter extends only about 1/8 of pipe diameter, minimizing potential for clogging with debris
– Simple pulse train output can be used with any SeaMetrics signal processing module, or sent directly to a PLC
– Available for pipe sizes 1″ to 8″, in brass, 316 stainless, and PVC

Electromagnetic Flowmeter EX110 Series

Description :
– Depth adjustable sensors
– EX110 fits any 1-1/2″ pipe fitting (standard saddle, for instance) and adjusts to pipe sizes 3-10″
– EX210 adjusts to pipe sizes 10-48″
– Meter extends only about 1/8 of pipe diameter, minimizing potential for clogging with debris
– Accept Seametrics modules for rate and total indication, 4-20 mA conversion, data logging, and flow switching
– Alternatively, signal can be sent directly to a PLC or other control
– Available in brass or 316 stainless steel
– Immersibility and reverse flow output available


Description :
1: operating power :AC 85—264V or isolation DC 24V
2: current: 50mA(under the condition of connection without keyboard display and sound of buzzer)
3:output optional: one channel standard isolation RS485 output
              One channel isolation 4-20mA or 0-20mA passive output.
              Two channel OCT output(programmed between the pulse width(6-1000ms),default before leaving factory (200ms))
4:input optional: two channel three wire system PT100 platinum resistor input loop,to make heat meter has the function of displaying heat quantity.
5:display:2*10 backlit LCD(Chinese and English optional)
6: operating:magnetic 4 keypads to operate
7:other functions: automatic memory the positive,negative,net totaliser or flow rate and heat quantity of the last 512 days,128 months,10years
             Automatic memory the time of power turning on and off and flow rate of the last 30 times, realize to compensate by hand or automatically read the datas through Modbus communication protocol.
8:protection level:IP68


1:PT100 three wire platinum resistor( a pair,used for heat meter)
2:ultrasonic thickness gauge: (measure the thickness of pipe,reduce error,increase accuracy)